Sunday, March 25, 2012

1st day @ the new job

First off, I apologize for the format of this post. I have to use my mobile web browser. I don't feel like paying $11 a day for wifi on the laptop. Today was Day 1. It felt like my first day at a new job, first day of school, and the first football game of the season. Well I had a 6 hour drive on 4hrs of sleep. I thought about just heading to bed as soon as I checked into the hotel but I just wanted to get my 1st day over with. I checked into my comped room and got dressed. I went to the poker room where surprisingly they had an immediate seat available. I recognized some of the day regulars but didn't notice any strong players. I was card dead for 3 hours. I had to make a bunch of moves just to improve my stack a bit. Half an hr later I hit top 2 pair and over bet on the turn to make it look like another steal. The non believing oppenent fell into my trap as he went all in with just a pair of 4s. He didn't have much but it still took a piece of me when he got a lucky 4 to hit on the river. I decided to leave as I got super hungry and sleepy. Played a total of 3.5 hrs and made a profit of $410. -King2

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