Friday, March 30, 2012

Back to School

I think I may have a bit of a cold virus but it feels manageable. Can I play with a cold? Yes. Would I be playing my best? Probably not. Will I play with a cold? Not professionally. I have a full week of a comped room starting this Sunday so hopefully this cold will subside by then.

So I went back to the books. From Doyle's orginal Super System which advises "To win big, sometimes you have to gamble big." to recent Greenstein's Ace on the River which advises to be modest and wise away and at the table. I've always been a fan of aggressive play. In fact, I feel it's the only way to play if you want to be successful. I began really looking at Doyle Brunson's and Tom Dwan's strategy. Tom Dwan was regarded as one of the top rank Online players around. He still is. But more impressively is his elite status a Live player. He has his own style, but it's comparable to Doyle's. Bet. Bet. Bet. I used this same aggressive style during that great 3 day run I had. I was fearless. No pressure. I had my opponents constantly guessing and in fear. My first week as a pro for some reason I played differently. I was the one doing all the guessing. I'm sure I was being picked apart and targeted.

I had a follower who asked me why I never post pictures or videos. Well, here is my first one. It's a video that describes how I played a lot of hands my first week as a pro. You'll notice Tom Dwan is 4 steps ahead of his opponent.

As you can see, Dwan bet, bet, bet and then made a dumb call. Only, this a rare scenario. Every pro makes these calls when they get ahead of themselves. It's not a dumb call whatsoever because of the complex level of thinking Dwan took to even begin thinking of a reason to call. It was just a bad decision. I made too many bad decisions my first week as a pro. It won't happen again.

I've found a lot of holes in my game that I know I've fixed. I'm so confident I'm ready to get back to shuffling chips and moving them all in.


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