Monday, March 26, 2012

Empty Poker Room???

So me being a cheap a** I didn't want to pay the $11 per day for wifi in the hotel room. However, a restaurant in the casino has complimentary wifi! AHH what a relief. Ok so its 9AM. I went to bed last night shortly after my post with the intention of waking up at around 4am or 5am to out think the tired players who had been there since 5pm. Well...I over slept. Didn't wake up until 7am or so. I got dressed and went straight to the poker room in hopes to at least catch one tired and drained player. There was nobody there! I mean it was completely empty! It was horrifying. The host informed me everyone broke off at 6am or so. So I'm here eating breakfast at the 8oz while my name is first on the poker list. This is probably the best 2 eggs, bacon, potatoes, and toast I've ever had. So since I was posting from my mobile device last night, I left out some key points. I was so card dead that I wasn't even catching hands I could draw to. At one point I was forcing my self to see a bunch of flops, but it still confirmed to be ineffective. I made critical bluffs. So critical that I could have lost my whole stack and busted out. I have no idea how I would have felt busting out my first day as a "pro". I'm so sick of using that word. I look back on yesterday and thank my body language reading skills. The bluffs I pulled were based on reading opponents who I felt had marginal to a least best hand. Had an opponent called in any of those situations, I was drawing dead. I was bluffing with 8 high, 10, high, a lousy pair of 2's. It was ridiculous. I think because I was so card dead and never got too committed with previous pots, opponents viewed me as a very tight player. This is one reason why I never ask for a new deck. Not only is asking for a new deck an amateur move, it gives off way too much information on you. At every moment, I try to be 2 steps ahead of my opponents. By asking for a new deck, that could make me two steps behind. It will show I'm not a tight player but card dead. It shows that psychologically I'm not patient. My reaction to a new deck may give on new information. After the new deck when I play hands, they'll assume I actually have a hand and wont get paid off, which would then result me to bluffing all the time??? To the follower who inquired why I never ask for a new deck, I hope this answers your question. I did see one guy who was a total idiot. This guy bought in about 5 times in 1 hour and thought he was just getting unlucky. Of course everybody at the table got a piece of him except me. By leaving early last night, I'm sure I left money on the table, but I felt I needed to eat and get some rest. I was happy overall with my $/hr rate. I'm about done with breakfast. I'm going to get to the poker room and see all the morning regulars. It's gonna be so boring. Super tight older players (55+ age group). I'm probably just gonna play a few hours and get bored. Hopefully I don't do what I usually do when I'm bored. Which is 3 bet, and 4 bet bluff till I'm committed to go all in and lose all my money. -King2

1 comment:

  1. "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." ~ Winston Churchill

    Referring to the last 4 sentences of this blog.

    If u feel that way, steer the boat and point yourself into the direction U want to travel.
